Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Here's Hope for America

Billy Graham will be celebrating his 95th birthday this November by sharing a new message called "The Cross" as part of My Hope America with Billy Graham, a nationwide evangelistic outreach.
Over the past several months, he has been working with a video crew in his home to film a brand-new telecast that will air beginning November 7—his 95th birthday—on FOX News Channel at 10 p.m. Eastern, TBN at 8 p.m., and other Christian networks, and also on local TV stations in a number of cities. It's a tremendously powerful program that has his message interwoven with captivating testimonies of lives changed by the living Christ.
Please join churches and Christians across the United States who are reaching out to their friends, family, coworkers, and neighbors who need to know Jesus Christ by inviting them into their homes or community gathering places to watch this powerful presentation of the Gospel.
Packing Party VolunteersMany will be combining this important evangelistic event with their love of Operation Christmas Child by hosting a shoebox packing party and a My Hope viewing so that guests can not only hear the Word of God, but also act on it.
I urge you to begin praying now for your family, friends, and neighbors. Ask God to begin working in their hearts, so they will be ready to accept your invitation.
Won't you join Christians across the country in sharing this life-saving message with those you care about most?
May God bless you,
Franklin Signature
Franklin Graham
President, Samaritan's Purse

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