Saturday, January 14, 2012

Facebook Spam and Cybercrime on the Rise: How You Can Avoid It [INFOGRAPHIC]

Looks like social media is becoming the Email of the 80s.

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via Mashable! by Joann Pan on 1/10/12

Just how much cybercrime happens on Facebook? About 4 million Facebook users experience spam on a daily basis, 20% of Facebook users have been exposed to malware, and Facebook sees about 600,000 cases of hijacked log-ins every day.
As it stands, there are settings you can change to protect yourself against cybercrime. However, Facebook users aren't ever totally safe from being scammed and preyed upon as profile information continues to be shared with third parties, malware remains prominent and scammers are still allowed to create fake profiles.

SEE ALSO: 5 URL Expanders to Help You Avoid Spammy Links

Of course, there are a few reminders for staying safe on the world's largest social network. You can find some of them in the infographic below, by Zone Alarm.
It also shows the breadth of Facebook users around the world. In North America, out of 272 million Internet users, 168 million are surfing the web on Facebook. In Europe, 476 million people are on the Internet and 209 million are on Facebook.
Check the graphic below to see six simple reminders to keep yourself safe on Facebook:
Facebook Safety Infographic by Zone Alarm

Image courtesy of Zone Alarm
More About: cybercrime, Facebook, infographic, malware, safety, Social Media, spam

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Homeless N..Y teen up for science prize gets house

It's always good to see folks do better.

This is still America. One can still achieve greatness.

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via - News by FRANK ELTMAN Associated Press on 1/14/12

Samantha Garvey and her family had been living in a shelter for several days when they got word the 17-year-old aspiring marine biologist had made it to the semifinals of the prestigious national Intel ...

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Special Invitation to Oklahoma Call to Prayer Day, February 6

I'm writing to invite you to be our special guest at Oklahoma Call to Prayer Day which will be held at the State Capitol on February 6. This historic, one-time event is being hosted by the newly formed, bi-partisan Oklahoma Legislative Prayer Caucus.

Monday, February 6, 2012
9:30 - 10:30 am
Rotunda at the State Capitol

You are invited to be our special guest at the Pre-Event Prayer Gathering in the Governor's Large Conference Room, 2nd Floor, State Capitol at 8:30 am.

A current list of the legislators supporting the Prayer Caucus is below.

The Oklahoma Legislative Prayer Caucus is a bi-partisan, non-denominational caucus formed to provide an opportunity to seek God's will together, to uphold our nation's Judeo-Christian heritage and to protect the right of Americans to openly pray and trust in God.

Citizens will be invited to sign the Call to Prayer Proclamation along with their elected leaders. We hope you will stand with our state and national elected leaders and the citizens of Oklahoma on this historic occasion!

Our goal is to get the word out about Call to Prayer Day to the entire faith community of Oklahoma, and we hope that you will help. Please use any of the downloadable promotional materials available on this website:

Please confirm your attendance with Kim Wood at, 877-335-3539, who will also be happy to answer any questions you might have, and will provide information about logistics for the event and the pre-event.

Supporters of Oklahoma Call to Prayer Day include:
Senator Mark Allen
Representative Don Armes
Representative Gary W. Banz
Representative John Bennett
Representative Lisa J. Billy
Senator Brian Bingman
Representative Gus Blackwell
Senator Josh Brecheen
Senator Rick Brinkley
Senator Bill Brown
Representative Dennis Casey
Representative Josh Cockroft
Representative Donnie Condit
Representative Ann Coody
Representative Marian Cooksey
Senator Kim David
Representative Lee Denney
Representative David Derby
Representative Dale DeWitt
Representative George Faught
Representative Randy Grau
Representative Elise Hall
Representative Corey Holland
Senator David Holt
Senator Clark Jolley
Representative Dennis Johnson
Senator Ron Justice
Representative Sally Kern
Representative Charles Key
Senator Bryce Marlatt
Representative Scott Martin
Representative Mark McCullough
Representative Randy McDaniel
Representative Lewis H. Moore
Representative Glen Mulready
Representative Jason Murphey
Representative Tom Newell
Representative Jadine Nollan
Representative Pat Ownbey
Senator Susan Paddack
Representative Ron Peters
Representative Pam Peterson
Representative Marty Quinn
Representative Mike Reynolds
Representative Mike Ritze
Representative Todd Russ
Representative Mike Sanders
Representative Seneca Scott
Representative Earl Sears
Representative T.W. Shannon
Senator Frank Simpson
Senator Gary Stanislawski
Representative Kris Steele
Representative Randy Terrill
Representative Sue Tibbs
Representative Todd Thomsen
Representative Paul Wesselhoft

Thank you,

Lea Carawan
Executive Director

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Google Chrome Beta Released, Now Even Faster and More Secure

Chrome IS a great web browser.

I've used Firefox and enjoyed it. Chrome is better.

I've used Netscape Navigator and enjoyed it. Chrome is better.

I have Explorer and Chrome is better.

Enjoy Chrome.

Sent to you by KC5FM via Google Reader:

via Mashable! by Charlie White on 1/5/12

Google Chrome has announced a new beta that speeds up the world's second-favorite browser even more, as well as enhances its security.
According to the official Google Chrome blog, the new beta release of the Chrome browser, version 17.0 .963.26 beta-m, gains some of its additional speed by "loading some Web pages in the background, even before you finish typing the URL in the omnibox."
Google announced at the same time the Chrome beta will offer additional protection against malicious websites and their malevolent downloads. Software engineer Dominic Hamon wrote in the Google Chrome blog post that this beta version includes "expanded functionality to analyze executable files (such as ".exe" and ".msi" files) that you download." Chrome will notify users with a warning that they should discard such files. Hamon added that the company will be making Chrome smarter in the coming months, allowing it to detect even more malicious files.
I downloaded the latest Chrome beta and tested it, and it certainly feels faster. It downloaded and installed without a hitch, and it seems stable so far. As I typed a web address I often visit into Chrome's address window (called the "omnibox," where all the searching and URLs appear in Chrome), it did feel like it popped up faster.
I'll keep testing this beta browser to see if I run into any bugs. You can try the new test release by downloading the Chrome beta here. By the way, while Chrome is the world's second favorite browser, Google Chrome 15 beat out Internet Explorer 8 as the world's most popular browser version.
More About: beta, Browsers, google chrome, trending

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