Friday, March 23, 2012

Obama Backs Southern Part of Keystone XL Pipeline -

Do one see the pipes behind the photo of President Obama?

Can one tell why our President is promising to fast track a project that was scheduled to complete before his speech?

Those sections of pipe were reported weeks ago to go in the ground between Cushing and Texas.

In the mean time, would someone please tell Mr. Obama the problem is not JUST oil in the pipe but rather the lack of refining capacity in the US?  Do you want lower priced fuel?  Build more refineries.

Obama Backs Southern Part of Keystone XL Pipeline -

'via Blog this'

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

"Dat Island Gonna Tip Over" (Huh??)

Watch the video and draw your own conclusion of the Gentleman.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Who are we increasing?

On Twitter, @kalemayer asks "The gospel, the church, the Body of Christ has become all about us rather than all about Jesus Christ. Who are we increasing?"

Well? Are you inviting friends to church or Jesus? Do you have come to church or come to Jesus moments? Is it all about YOU or all about Jesus?

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