Saturday, November 17, 2012

No more Twinkies? Others could buy Hostess' brands

That was the news this week.  A popular snack that probably has a direct link to obesity has closed shop.

Please don't take this as anti-union, but please consider the logic of union shop going on strike and the outcome.

Seems that others in Twitterland have the same thought.  Perhaps the unions will claim a public health victory.

No more Twinkies? Others could buy Hostess' brands

via Feed on 11/15/12

Hostess Brands says it has gone to Bankruptcy Court seeking permission to close its business.

@alanfitzsimmons: Thank you to the union for your contribution to the
demise of the Twinkie. Your 18000 members w/o jobs really won didn't

Original Message:

and this:

RT @bobconfer: Employees who quit typically cannot collect unemployment benefits. Shouldn't that hold true for 6k of Hostess workers for job abandonment?

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