Friday, January 7, 2011

It's Never Too Late to Resolve to Be Ready

Businesses need to prepare too.

Have a plan; make a kit; practice the plan; then help others.

Your local emergency manager will be happy to help. The local chamber of commerce may have the Open for Business program.

Call them both.


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via FEMA Blog by FEMA on 1/7/11

By Tony Russell, Regional Administrator, FEMA Region VI

As we move into 2011 and start trying to make progress on our various new year's resolutions, we at FEMA will continue encouraging all of our partners – and that includes you – to take steps now to be prepared for emergencies. As many of you know, throughout the holiday season, we urged folks to join us in making a resolution to be ready for disasters. But as we said then, disasters aren't limited to one time of year – and neither is our need to be prepared for them. It's never too late to Resolve to be Ready for disasters. 

On this blog, we've written a lot about the three simple steps you can take to make good on a pledge to prepare for emergencies in this New Year. But for those of you who want to go the extra mile, you can also sign up to participate in preparedness training.  Consider linking up with a Community Response Team in your local area, or visit to learn about other opportunities in your community.

When more people are able to take care of themselves after a disaster strikes, emergency responders can concentrate on helping those who are most vulnerable in our communities, whether it's infants and children, seniors, or people with disabilities, to name a few.  Visit to learn about creating an emergency plan that fits the needs of you and your family.

- Tony


Things you can do from here:


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