Saturday, May 21, 2011

End of the Age

Good morning, I'm seated in front of the TV watching Fox News. It's
after 1800 in Christmas Island, New Zealand, China, Japan, Laos,
Thailand, and Kazakhstan. According to your prediction, the world is
coming to an end today at 1800 local time.

Please let me explain that I am a Christian. With that, how much
honor does this bring to my Lord Jesus?

The world sits back and laughs as you because it's 6 p.m. in China and
there's no devastating earthquake cascading around the world. Many
population centers are already past 1800 local time. Yet, at this
hour in the USA, Fox News is showcasing some cat dude, rather than the
end of the Age and CNN is focusing on cell phone safety. OH! It's
not on CNN, Headline News, MSN news channels.

Did you see this tweet? RT @stephenfry: Marvellous news! #rapture doesn't mean end of world: apparently all the plantet's imbeciles disappear in one go #dreamcometrue Even if he can't spell, the assurance that he views Christians as imbeciles is directly caused by people who are religious acting in goofy ways is not lost.

So while the world laughs, you have distracted their attention from Jesus who benefits the "here and now" and the Age to come.

What did Jesus tell Christians to do? Was it to predict the end of
the age or to tell people that Jesus loved them, that He died for
their sin, that He rose from the dead, and that He presented Himself
to many witnesses? Are we instructed to issue prophecies that don't
pan out or to love God with all our hearts, soul, mind, and strength
and your neighbor as yourself?

Here's the first of the news, this one from New Zealand.

Did you see this line? "Now atheists of the world can celebrate the
busting of yet another end of the world prediction."

My friend, when Jesus comes back His return will be on CNN, Fox, MSN,
 WGN and every local television station worldwide, including the BBC, NHK,
 Deutsche Welle, and even Radio Habana Cuba simultaneously.

"BEHOLD, HE IS COMING WITH THECLOUDS, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him; andall the tribes of the earth will mourn over Him. So it is to be. Amen."

I am sad that your hype has brought yet another measure of shame to
the Name of Jesus.

All I can tell my unbelieving friends that Jesus is real but not
everyone who says "Lord, Lord" are His friends.

Maranatha!  Come quickly, Lord Jesus!

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