Monday, June 13, 2011

Resource for "Missionaries"

Free Member Care Resources that never mention "Missionaries" --

If you know people serving in sensitive areas, these books and brochures may be helpful to them. You can send your friends the link below, or you can download particular resources yourself and send those books or
brochures as attachments. This site is openly Christian and quotes Scripture, but it never uses words such as "missionary" or "missions." The website has 9 books, each in the following formats: .pdf, .doc, .zip, .mobi (for Kindle) and, .epub (for other E-readers, such as Nook or Sony). It also has 70 brochures, each available in the following formats: .pdf and .doc. You can't beat the price--everything is free. Find it at...

(Hats off to GO International for making available these and
other resources! GO International is also a great friend and partner
of Brigada.) To inquire about or comment on this item, click to...

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