Friday, May 20, 2011

White House HIV/AIDS Webcast for Faith & Community Leaders

May 26, 2011

An estimated 1.1 million people are living with HIV, but 1 in 5 does not know they are infected and more than half of American adults, ages 18-64 have never been tested.  Faith and community–based organizations play significant role in reducing health disparities and help work to solve some of our most complex health challenges, such as HIV/AIDS. Through the first ever National HIV/AIDS Strategy, President Obama has charged the federal Centers for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships to more actively engage faith communities to address HIV/AIDS and promote prevention and early treatment.

Following the direction of President Obama to make the White House more open and accessible, the HHS Center and White House Office for Faith-Based and Neighborhood are hosting an evening webcast, live from the White House.  This provides a great opportunity for your congregation or community organization to host a watch party and join in the discussion.   
Prominent faith leaders and White House Officials will discuss the importance of ending stigma around this disease in order to promote prevention and early treatment, and increasing the number of people in communities who KNOW their status by being tested.  Early testing and diagnosis is a key to prevention.
If you have a question for a member of the panel, please email by 12:00pm on Thursday, May 26, 2011.  Be sure to include, your name, organization and location.
We hope you and your congregations will be able to join us for this important webcast discussion. 

Thursday, May 26, 2011
7:00pm - 8:00pm

Additional details will be made available.

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