Wednesday, January 2, 2019

A chat with @drnickmorr #Atheist #TeamJesus

Frank, W4US, right, was the amateur radio
operator who loved Jesus enough to share
Himwith another ham in Oklahoma..
From the archives of the Twitter chat, it's time to put this to a close.  My atheist friends clearly have pointed questions.  They deserve answers that, sometimes, escape answering.

However, WHY do you believe?  For me, the answer is as real as the experience I had with my conversion.  While growing up religious, it took a ham radio missionary from Puerto Rico to come to Oklahoma to introduce Jesus.  My wife will tell you the change was immediate and evident.

As an epileptic, the seizures stopped after this event.  Was it Jesus?  I give Him credit.  The medicine had not controlled the seizures at all.  Can it be replicated?  Please know it is not my desire to have seizures again to test that thought.  Others have had similar experiences.  Others have not.  Regardless, prayer changes things.  Either God gives you what you seek or He gives you the Grace to get through it.

When you encounter Jesus, exciting stuff happens.  Ten lepers were healed but only one came back.  "Where not all ten healed?"

The outcome was a life spent in public service with two successful careers and plenty of opportunities for service in a number of Christian churches as well as some denominational churches.   I've never been arrested for speaking about Jesus, though a number of folks have.

The Bible Fellowship Net is the group that Frank enjoyed at the time.

Another outcome came from the comfort received from Jesus and His church through the death of our two sons. Heath and Scott.  When children die, it goes against the natural order of things.  Graciously, Jesus has proven time and again that He can restore balance to life.  

There are ways God works that we don't understand.  For example, when my son was in the hospital, there was a drunk in the waiting room.  He was clearly inebriated that night.  When I returned the next night, he was much sober.  He told me he didn't remember anything of the night before but the conversation about Jesus.

Then there is the matter of God providing our daughter.  She has been a blessing.  Our two grandchildren have brought joy to our life.

Atheist, please know I'm not interested in giving up on Jesus.  He has done me nothing but good.  There are some goofy Christians that you have encountered.  There are some kinder, gentler folks in the Brotherhood.  I hope you can find them.

As for evidence, the testimony of an eye-witness is just that ... a testimony.  It's up to you to accept it or not.  Personally, it doesn't make any more difference what you do with it than it does what the attorneys do with my testimony in Federal court.  The job of a witness is to testify and leave the outcome to those who hear.

#teamJesus folks, remember the sign here.  Some of you may be surprised who is in Heaven and sad who is not.  All deserve an answer to the question, "Why do you believe" but get ready for the challenges that follow.  

Either way, know why you believe because everyone believes something.  Pascal's wager sums it up.

Had a nice chat with this chap regarding God.  One will need to jump around to follow the complete thread though.  
What started out as a discussion of a scientific document showing some measure of rethinking of the so-called "Big Bang" theory, resulted in my asking the physician some questions.  Reader, if the scientists conclude that two worlds collide to produce the explosive force from which comes our Earth, please ask the scientist where the worlds originated.  That question is good scientific investigation, regardless of Deist or Atheist mindset.
For once, I met a pleasant atheist, an Officer in the United States Army and a cardiologist.  Of course, being an officer in the United States Army teaches one a measure of decorum.  As the reader can tell, it took pressing the point to get answers from the Doctor.
How will you tell a parent that their child has died?  What comfort can you offer past that point?  What encouragement can you provide that doctors should not be trusted then?  
It's the argument that Atheists give us.  God fails us.  Can't trust God.  Don't need God. Prove there is a God.  OH, and keep your opinion to yourself.

Now the chat, below.

The proof is in my soul, knowing that my two dead sons live God's care in Heaven. RT @drnickmorr: where is ur proof of god? #TeamJesus

your silence is an indication, @drnickmorr Thank you for this opportunity at thought-provoking dialogue AND COL, for your service

colston11:18am via HootSuite
Is 90% some sort of promise, @drnickmorr Should I be anti-medicine as a result?

colston11:10am via HootSuite
You leave your patients at the morgue, @drnickmorr I take them and the loved ones on to Heaven's throne.#TeamJesus

colston11:08am via HootSuite
As a cardiologist, @drnickmorr you may be interested to know that one of my sons died. We were told high 90% success.

colston not unless science promised it could save ur son. we never promise miracles or certain success, that is irresponsible.
colston11:03am via HootSuite
Next question, @drnickmorr What do you tell the loved ones of your dead patients?

colston11:01am via HootSuite
One thing, @drnickmorr is I have delivered people near death to physicians who have claimed, except for God, the patient would be dead.

colston11:00am via HootSuite
I don't see much difference then, @drnickmorr in your faith in medicine and my faith in God, honestly, except God assures my soul.

colston10:57am via HootSuite
@drnickmorr Thanks for that. I have experienced some of your #Atheist friends who lack that quality.

colston10:52am via HootSuite
I am not sure the vicars are His. RT @drnickmorr: raped by his vicars #TeamJesus

colston10:51am via HootSuite
Next Question, @drnickmorr Shall I become anti-science after the death of my son? #Atheist#TeamJesus

colston10:50am via HootSuite
and His shoulders are big enough to accept that, @drnickmorr Because of Jesus, I can love you nevertheless. #TeamJesus

colston guess what, i can love and respect u as a human without jesus. honestly
colston10:49am via HootSuite
We should, @drnickmorr "... accept men as they are, not as we wish them to be." George Washington#TeamJesus #Atheist

colston10:47am via twitterfeed
Download: Missional Small Groups: Learn the benefits and how to make your group #SmallGroups
colston10:46am via twitterfeed
New Study: Social Media Doing a Better Job than Parents?: Teens Say Social Media has Made #Disaster #Christian
colston10:42am via HootSuite
Lets try this again, @drnickmorr What has God or I done to offend you?

colston u have not offended me i just don't accept him. if he existed i would be upset that he allows children to be raped by his vicars
colston10:41am via HootSuite
NO, it does not, @drnickmorr What pisses me off is that you won't answer the questions and you show some level of disdain for faith.

colston i provide care and comfort for people in need and i do it without belief in god, and that pisses u off doesn't it?
colston10:39am via HootSuite
Silly? @drnickmorr You still have not answered my questions. #Atheist #TeamJesus

colston10:38am via HootSuite
Got it, @drnickmorr Don't force your faith in #Atheismon others. #TeamJesus I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist. #TeamJesus

colston10:34am via HootSuite
Using your logic, @drnickmorr The earth IS flat since I showed you that God sits above the Circle of the Earth.

colston10:33am via HootSuite
Interesting concept, @drnickmorr Why do you practice the medical arts, then? What happens when your patient gets well, regardless?

It is written, @drnickmorr "There are no atheists in foxholes"

@secularbloke BTW, this is where the catholic Church gets the practice of "last rites". #Atheist#TeamJesus
8:31am, Feb 18 from HootSuite
: .@colston Exactly! see your priest for an oil rub if you fall ill, don't use scientific medicine
8:34am, Feb 18 from Twitter for iPhone
@secularbloke @colston if u use the bible as a source of truth, you cannot engage in intelligent dialogue about science, health, or.anything
8:38am, Feb 18 from Web
: .@drnickmorr Still waiting for you to replicate the Big Bang in the laboratory. Make something out of nothing. @secularbloke#TeamJesus
8:48am, Feb 18 from HootSuite
@colston @secularbloke burden of proof is on theists. science has supported evolution, big bang, but never god.when ur sick, don't use meds
9:14am, Feb 18 from Tweet Button
: When my son died, @drnickmorrMedical Science could not keep them alive. Shall I become anti-science as a result? #TeamJesus
9:37am, Feb 18 from Tweet Button
@colston medicine doesn't claim to solve all, makes no claims. faith is by definition without evidence. enjoy it but keep it to urself
9:45am, Feb 18 from Web
: Since this is a written medium,@drnickmorr don't forget freedom of the Press. Still waiting for answers to questions.
9:59am, Feb 18 from HootSuite
@colston all i asked was for you to provide evidence of is not proof. which questions have i not answered? big bang? hmmm stars?
10:08am, Feb 18 from Web
: Some assurance that, as an officer in our military, @drnickmorr will not deprive Citizens of rights would be nice too. #TeamJesus
10:13am, Feb 18 from HootSuite
@colston and how would I deprive citizens of rights? Soldiers can't be atheists without putting civilians at risk?Theists are more dangerous
10:26am, Feb 18 from Twitter for iPhone
: It is written, @drnickmorr "There are no atheists in foxholes"
10:31am, Feb 18 from HootSuite
@colston there are many atheists in foxholes. and there are many raped children whose god ignored them. ur arguments are silly
10:37am, Feb 18 from Web

colston10:28am via HootSuite
Once a soldier tweeted to keep faith to self. @drnickmorr What about the other questions?

colston10:13am via HootSuite
Some assurance that, as an officer in our military, @drnickmorr will not deprive Citizens of rights would be nice too. #TeamJesus

colston i would never deny a person their right to pray and have faith, NEVER. do u understand that? don't force god and faith on others
colston10:12am via HootSuite
I told you the Heavens declare the glory of God. @drnickmorr More good is done in God's name, ex. faith based charities,hospitals #TEAMJesus

colston10:10am via HootSuite
what do you tell family of your dead patients? @drnickmorr

colston10:10am via HootSuite
Questions @drnickmorr like shall I become anti-science after the death of my son, what has God or I done to hurt you, and ... #TeamJesus

colston9:59am via HootSuite
Since this is a written medium, @drnickmorr don't forget freedom of the Press. Still waiting for answers to questions.

colston9:52am via HootSuite
Here's your reminder of the Constitution you are to uphold, @drnickmorr Free exercise of religion Freedom of speech

colston9:49am via HootSuite
Here's your Bible definition of Faith and mentions evidence @drnickmorr

colston9:47am via HootSuite
What do you tell the loved ones of your dead patients, @drnickmorr At least I can say they are in God's hands. #Atheist #TeamJesus

colston9:46am via HootSuite
Testy now? @drnickmorr You serve in the U.S. Army and swear to uphold the Constitution. Do not tell me to keep faith to self. #TeamJesus

colston9:37am via Tweet Button
When my son died, @drnickmorr Medical Science could not keep them alive. Shall I become anti-science as a result? #TeamJesus

colston9:29am via HootSuite
Thus science and faith can coexist. @drnickmorrWhat causes you to be anti-God? What have I done to hurt you? #TeamJesus #Atheist

colston9:27am via HootSuite
You are really sure? @drnickmorr Earth is round, according to the Bible.

colston9:20am via HootSuite
There are a number of Christian scientists @drnickmorr Science and faith can coexist. #TeamJesus #Atheist

colston9:18am via HootSuite
Nice try, @drnickmorr but that was a scientific document link. Burden of proof for it rests in science.#Atheist #TeamJesus

colston9:07am via HootSuite
.@drnickmorr "... was created from the collision of ... worlds " Someone needs to explain the origins of the worlds.

colston8:48am via HootSuite
.@drnickmorr Still waiting for you to replicate the Big Bang in the laboratory. Make something out of nothing. @secularbloke #TeamJesus

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