Frank, W4US, right, was the amateur radio operator who loved Jesus enough to share Himwith another ham in Oklahoma.. |
From the archives of the Twitter chat, it's time to put this to a close. My atheist friends clearly have pointed questions. They deserve answers that, sometimes, escape answering.
However, WHY do you believe? For me, the answer is as real as the experience I had with my conversion. While growing up religious, it took a ham radio missionary from Puerto Rico to come to Oklahoma to introduce Jesus. My wife will tell you the change was immediate and evident.
As an epileptic, the seizures stopped after this event. Was it Jesus? I give Him credit. The medicine had not controlled the seizures at all. Can it be replicated? Please know it is not my desire to have seizures again to test that thought. Others have had similar experiences. Others have not. Regardless, prayer changes things. Either God gives you what you seek or He gives you the Grace to get through it.
When you encounter Jesus, exciting stuff happens. Ten lepers were healed but only one came back. "Where not all ten healed?"
The outcome was a life spent in public service with two successful careers and plenty of opportunities for service in a number of Christian churches as well as some denominational churches. I've never been arrested for speaking about Jesus, though a number of folks have.
The Bible Fellowship Net is the group that Frank enjoyed at the time.
Another outcome came from the comfort received from Jesus and His church through the death of our two sons. Heath and Scott. When children die, it goes against the natural order of things. Graciously, Jesus has proven time and again that He can restore balance to life.
Another outcome came from the comfort received from Jesus and His church through the death of our two sons. Heath and Scott. When children die, it goes against the natural order of things. Graciously, Jesus has proven time and again that He can restore balance to life.

Then there is the matter of God providing our daughter. She has been a blessing. Our two grandchildren have brought joy to our life.
Atheist, please know I'm not interested in giving up on Jesus. He has done me nothing but good. There are some goofy Christians that you have encountered. There are some kinder, gentler folks in the Brotherhood. I hope you can find them.
As for evidence, the testimony of an eye-witness is just that ... a testimony. It's up to you to accept it or not. Personally, it doesn't make any more difference what you do with it than it does what the attorneys do with my testimony in Federal court. The job of a witness is to testify and leave the outcome to those who hear.
As for evidence, the testimony of an eye-witness is just that ... a testimony. It's up to you to accept it or not. Personally, it doesn't make any more difference what you do with it than it does what the attorneys do with my testimony in Federal court. The job of a witness is to testify and leave the outcome to those who hear.
#teamJesus folks, remember the sign here. Some of you may be surprised who is in Heaven and sad who is not. All deserve an answer to the question, "Why do you believe" but get ready for the challenges that follow.
Either way, know why you believe because everyone believes something. Pascal's wager sums it up.