Saturday, November 30, 2013

What Christianity CAN mean #teamJesus

Many of the accusations leveled at the Church, from within and without the Church, stem from a thought that religion is seemingly useless.

This account, from not two many decades ago, shows how Christianity can be a life-saving act.

It is de rigueur nowadays for anthropology texts... - John Owen Butler: "The gunner, who is at the naval air station [in Alameda, California] recuperating from his wounds is one of the converts. With two companions, Lt. Edward Peck of Shreveport, La., and Radioman Jeff Scott of Garden City, Ks, he reached the island on a raft after two and a half days at sea. Four others were also there. For the next 87 days they hid on the Japanese occupied island, watched over by the natives, whose first act was to give them a Bible."

'via Blog this'

Who are you introducing the Jesus and under what circumstances?

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