Back in January, the United States fiscal cliff as reflected on Wikipedia, reports: "In the United States, the fiscal cliff was a simultaneous increase in tax rates and decrease of government spending through sequestration that would have occurred January 2013"
Fast forward to the current slippery slope:
Yes, it did that and had additional spending placed into it. According to the Heritage Foundation, the Fiscal Cliff Deal Added $47 Billion in Spending.
Now the question is, for the Republicrats with the POTUS included, where's the leadership?
If this was YOUR house, you would cut off the cable TeeVee, you would not eat out as much, you would be kind to your neighbor, but since this is Congress, we see two instances where result in a 19.63% increase in revenue and 0.25% reduction in spending in January and now we have "-280B in revenues and +50B in spending".
In other words, we taxed and reduced on one side while reducing income and increasing spending on the other. Please see the article about the "Surrender Caucus".
While no one decreases their personal income willingly without decreasing their personal spending, it appears Congress got close to that goal once but not this time.
With Mr. Obama, I can agree that that Congress should "focus on what the majority of Americans sent us here to do" and he should include himself in that quote.
With Mr. Obama, I can agree that that Congress should "focus on what the majority of Americans sent us here to do" and he should include himself in that quote.
As I mentioned on Facebook, Sadly, come Christmas, unless Congress develops some guts or some other miracle, we will be exactly where we were 30 days ago.
Welcome to Kick the Can, DC style.
Did you elect your President and Congress to solve problems or play childish games?
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