On Sunday, June 30, 2013, over one and a half million people in thousands of churches in all 50 states will be on their knees, praying for our nation. To join this movement, visit Call2Fall.com and click "I'm in." When you do, you will see your first name and your state pop up on the front page of the website.
In 2009, I was challenged by an elderly lady to use my influence to call our nation to "our knees" in prayer (see 2 Chron.7:14). That same day I read about the Continental Congress' call to prayer in 1775 that resulted in 3 million colonial Americans gathering on their knees in repentant prayer for our troubled, fledgling country. That was the beginning of Call2Fall.
Watch our short video about the first prayer in the Continental Congress. Many of our Founding Fathers were moved to tears and to greater dependence on God as they faced grave uncertainty on the eve of war with Great Britain. May we, too, humble ourselves in prayer before God in this pivotal year for our nation!
Forward the video to your pastor and ask if your church could set aside a few minutes in your June 30 worship services to pray for our nation. There are many church-friendly tools and resources like this brief video that can help your church have a meaningful Call2Fall. By signing up, your church will be listed on the map to let believers in your community will know your church will take part.
In fact, we are partnering with the National Day of Prayer, the Congressional Prayer Caucus, Intercessors for America and many others who are collaborating to call America to pray. Call2Fall is uniquely the church-based, worship-service focused part of the effort. We are on Facebook and Twitter, so a couple of ways you can help is by posting a message on your Facebook page or Tweet about the Call2Fall. So help us spread the word.
Join us in declaring our national "dependence" upon the Lord on Sunday, June 30th. If enough Americans will unite in humble, repentant prayer, I am trusting that God will hear our prayers, forgive our sin, and heal our land (2 Chron.7:14).
Tony Perkins
Tony Perkins
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