Friday, April 6, 2012

Share "JESUS: He Lived Among Us" with your congregation

VOM Presents: Jesus He Lived Among Us
Sign up your church today for the FREE DVD
Help Us Reach Every Church in America...
In the days of the Apostles, it was dangerous to follow Jesus... Today that danger remains. Now, in an unprecedented effort to reach the world with the message of the Gospel - and dangers facing today's persecuted church...
The Voice of the Martyrs is offering their feature-length animated movie, JESUS: He Lived Among Us, FREE for every church in America.
This story of Jesus unfolds through the eyes of His last surviving disciple, John the Beloved. Banished to the Isle of Patmos, the Apostle John recounts the incredible and often dangerous story of what happened when Jesus lived among us!
Please help us reach the world with this unique presentation of the Gospel.

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