I'm writing to invite you to be our special guest at Oklahoma Call to Prayer Day which will be held at the State Capitol on February 6. This historic, one-time event is being hosted by the newly formed, bi-partisan Oklahoma Legislative Prayer Caucus.
OKLAHOMA CALL TO PRAYER DAY Monday, February 6, 2012 9:30 - 10:30 am Rotunda at the State Capitol You are invited to be our special guest at the Pre-Event Prayer Gathering in the Governor's Large Conference Room, 2nd Floor, State Capitol at 8:30 am. A current list of the legislators supporting the Prayer Caucus is below. The Oklahoma Legislative Prayer Caucus is a bi-partisan, non-denominational caucus formed to provide an opportunity to seek God's will together, to uphold our nation's Judeo-Christian heritage and to protect the right of Americans to openly pray and trust in God. Citizens will be invited to sign the Call to Prayer Proclamation along with their elected leaders. We hope you will stand with our state and national elected leaders and the citizens of Oklahoma on this historic occasion! Our goal is to get the word out about Call to Prayer Day to the entire faith community of Oklahoma, and we hope that you will help. Please use any of the downloadable promotional materials available on this website: CallToPrayerOklahoma.com. Please confirm your attendance with Kim Wood at kimlaymanwood@gmail.com, 877-335-3539, who will also be happy to answer any questions you might have, and will provide information about logistics for the event and the pre-event. Supporters of Oklahoma Call to Prayer Day include: Senator Mark Allen Representative Don Armes Representative Gary W. Banz Representative John Bennett Representative Lisa J. Billy Senator Brian Bingman Representative Gus Blackwell Senator Josh Brecheen Senator Rick Brinkley Senator Bill Brown Representative Dennis Casey Representative Josh Cockroft Representative Donnie Condit Representative Ann Coody Representative Marian Cooksey Senator Kim David Representative Lee Denney Representative David Derby Representative Dale DeWitt Representative George Faught Representative Randy Grau Representative Elise Hall Representative Corey Holland Senator David Holt Senator Clark Jolley Representative Dennis Johnson Senator Ron Justice Representative Sally Kern Representative Charles Key Senator Bryce Marlatt Representative Scott Martin Representative Mark McCullough Representative Randy McDaniel Representative Lewis H. Moore Representative Glen Mulready Representative Jason Murphey Representative Tom Newell Representative Jadine Nollan Representative Pat Ownbey Senator Susan Paddack Representative Ron Peters Representative Pam Peterson Representative Marty Quinn Representative Mike Reynolds Representative Mike Ritze Representative Todd Russ Representative Mike Sanders Representative Seneca Scott Representative Earl Sears Representative T.W. Shannon Senator Frank Simpson Senator Gary Stanislawski Representative Kris Steele Representative Randy Terrill Representative Sue Tibbs Representative Todd Thomsen Representative Paul Wesselhoft
Thank you, Lea Carawan Executive Director
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