Wednesday, June 29, 2011

NPM 2011: Encouraging Emergency Preparedness

via FEMA Blog by FEMA on 6/29/11

Posted by: Public Affairs

National preparedness month 2011. A time to remember, a time to prepare.

This September marks the eighth annual National Preparedness Month. This year's theme "A Time to Remember. A Time to Prepare" aims at turning awareness into action. Individuals, businesses, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations can now sign up to become a National Preparedness Month Coalition Member, joining a community who will share emergency preparedness information.

In the past, National Preparedness Month coalition members have worked to create a culture of emergency preparedness in the United States. This year, with your help, we hope to increase the number as we encourage Americans to get prepared before a disaster strikes. So here's how to get involved:

  • Register to become a coalition member at to have access to a toolkit full of resources for promoting emergency preparedness and to receive e-mail updates.

    Even if you were a coalition member last year, it's important that you register this year to have the benefits of a coalition member. And be sure that each level of your organization registers – branch offices, regional offices, retail stores, etc. – so they can promote preparedness at their location, too.
  • Check out the webinar on National Preparedness Month for an overview of this year's theme and other resources available to NPM 2011 Coalition Members.

There is no better time to prepare your business or organization from a disaster than now. We hope you'll join us in promoting emergency preparedness in September, and all year round, by visiting today.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Weekly Prayer Update

Please note the information in this email.

Who gets your prayer life?

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From: Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation - Summer Ingram

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  Weekly Prayer Update
  Click on the links to read more information.
 Thank you for praying!
North Carolina Is Successfully Launched!

The NC Call To Prayer Day was a a success!! Congressman McIntyre, Congressman Forbes, Justice Paul Newby and members of the North Carolina State Senate and House of Representatives, hundreds of citizens attended this historic event which announced the formation of the North Carolina Legislative Prayer Caucus and concluded with the signing of the North Carolina Call to Prayer proclamation by all in attendance. Thank you for praying!
Check the NC Call To Prayer website for updates, photos, and more event footage soon!

The Pledge of Allegiance includes the phrase "one nation under God" -- except when it's part of NBC's coverage of the U.S. Open Championship.
Since Bill Whalen took office as Ashland's mayor in April 2010, prayer has become a focal point of the beginning of each Ashland City Council meeting. While prayer before meetings occurs routinely at state and local levels throughout the country, the practice has sparked legal challenges...
An American-based corporation that designs and sells consumer electronics and provides communication services has allegedly fired one of its leadership consultants for his political and religious views on same-sex "marriage." Dr. Frank Turek has gone public with his story.
With mobile and Web technology continuing to develop, the airspace or spectrum once used primarily by television stations to transmit content is getting crowded.
Good News!
The Granger City Council voted unanimously to keep the invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance on the agenda for its meetings during a standing-room-only meeting Monday.

Virginia's attorney general Thursday urged pastors and other church leaders to speak out politically, telling them that failure to do so concedes the battle over Christian values to "the other side."
watch video
Watch this video from the North Carolina Call To Prayer Day. Justice Paul Newby speaks his heart on the importance of prayer.
Please continue to pray for the following:

H.R. 2023 - NEW
Public Expression of Religion Act: H.R. 2023, the Public Expression of Religion Act, which would limit the remedies available to parties that bring lawsuits against expressions of religion...The bill would modify the law so each side pays its own attorney fees, removing the monetary incentive that activist groups have in bringing these types of cases.
Read status here.

H.R. 2070 - NEW

Please pray for World War II Memorial Prayer Act of 2011 which would require the Secretary of the Interior to place a plaque at the World War II Memorial or inscribe on the Memorial President Franklin D. Roosevelt's D-Day prayer, which has been entitled "Let Our Hearts Be Stout."
Read status here.

Members of the Congressional Prayer Caucus introduced legislation affirming America's religious and spiritual heritage, and to designate the first week of May as America's Spiritual Heritage Week".

Read status here
This piece of legislation is aimed at recognizing the important influence the Ten Commandments had on our Founding Documents and Principles.

Read status here.
TN: General Assembly, Statement of Intent or Position - Urges counties to allow Ten Commandments to be posted in local courthouses.It was signed by the House Speaker on May 19th.
If you no longer wish to receive our emails, click the link below:
Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation, Inc.
524 Johnstown Rd.
Chesapeake, Virginia 23322
United States
(757) 546-2190

Monday, June 13, 2011

Resource for "Missionaries"

Free Member Care Resources that never mention "Missionaries" --

If you know people serving in sensitive areas, these books and brochures may be helpful to them. You can send your friends the link below, or you can download particular resources yourself and send those books or
brochures as attachments. This site is openly Christian and quotes Scripture, but it never uses words such as "missionary" or "missions." The website has 9 books, each in the following formats: .pdf, .doc, .zip, .mobi (for Kindle) and, .epub (for other E-readers, such as Nook or Sony). It also has 70 brochures, each available in the following formats: .pdf and .doc. You can't beat the price--everything is free. Find it at...

(Hats off to GO International for making available these and
other resources! GO International is also a great friend and partner
of Brigada.) To inquire about or comment on this item, click to...

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