Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Another encounter with an Atheist

On Google+, an innocent question about what to do, if one were a god for a day, resulted in an engagement that included the following:

Alex Pfeffer, exactly, my friend, " It all derives from fear and wishful thinking!"

My thinking is not wishful. I am sure; 100% dead sure and willing to bet my soul as well as my life that there is a God, His Son is Jesus, and He provides me the assurance to trust Him completely. is the way people who CALL themselves Christian believe. I chose not to believe because someone, ex. Dawkins, told me or I read it some where, ex.

I choose to believe because I have dissected the arguments on both sides of the issue. I have concluded there CAN be absolutes, ex. 2+2; water freezes AND evaporates, yet maintains its molecular properties. If there CAN be absolutes, I can absolutely know that Jesus is real and He loves you. If he loves ME, I am relatively sure He loves you too.

To that end and only to that end can I mention MY experience, as a witness to what Jesus has done in my life. I have seen similar experiences in others lives. I have witnessed disappointments in others lives to say they tried Jesus without finding something beyond wishful thinking.

Sadly, you can't disprove my experience, any more than I can attempt to disprove yours. That's why I don't like to discuss experience. For the many that die and stay dead, I can point to a few who died, were restored to life, and tell about their experience while dead, ex. and you can't argue against the experience says "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect". I hope our discussion has, for you, been seen as respectful and I've tried to be gentle. However, the reason for quoting this verse was to mention the "give an answer" part, in Greek, is "martyr" ... a witness ... and as a witness, I am not on the witness stand to do anything more than explain my experience.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Someone needs Bitron Tire Safety Solution

Are you ready for the answer?

There is a response video.

The real meaning of MPH- The Original - YouTube:

Now aren't you glad you live in the United States of America?

Bitron Products

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Why do Christians focus on pastors when Bible doesn't?

Why do Christians focus on pastors when Bible doesn't? #Jesus #Christian
The Pastor Has No Clothes: Moving from Clergy-Centered Church to Christ Centered Ekklesia
There's a lot the American church does that the New Testament church did not.

Another book on the issue is Pagan Christianity.

Do you really believe what you really believe?  What will your religion do for you when you stand before Jesus?

Short Daily Bible Devotions

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