Sunday, October 16, 2011

In Search of the Whole Hearted Life
is the link to an interesting article.

What will the local congregation look like in 10 years? The Baby
Boomers either never caught the vision or are leaving because their
vision did not match their reality.

What do you think will happen?

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Principal-Agent Theory and the Welfare State.htm

Controlling politicians in the welfare state bears resemblance to the principal-agent relationship, but brings with it a host of new problems.  When individual voters (principals) cannot reasonably "exit" relationships with politicians (agents), they often become trapped in inefficient structures.  Holding politicians accountable in a welfare state requires considerable time and effort.  Unfortunately, in a large democracy, the return on any one voter's efforts is vanishingly small.  For this reason, they choose not to exert themselves at all.  This tendency manifests itself as political cynicism and voter apathy, problems that have the potential to cause profound disaster in the future, says Mark Pennington, professor of public policy and political economy at Queen Mary, University of London.
  • For example, in the United States, as many as 70 percent of voters can't name either of their state's senators and the vast majority cannot estimate rates of inflation or unemployment within 5 percent of actual levels.
  • This willful ignorance of the goings on of the government minimizes voter oversight as a factor in politicians' strategic decision-making, enabling political opportunism via lackadaisical job performance and personal ambition.
  • When this loss of oversight is viewed in terms of the debate over the prevalence of entitlement programs, the results become obvious.
While a collective action problem prevents most younger and middle-age voters from taking a strong stand on entitlement programs, the same is not true of the elderly population.  Because they are organized (see AARP), have relatively similar interests and vote consistently, their voices are the most influential in political discourse regarding entitlements.  Furthermore, they overcome the collective action problem because the benefits of the programs (and therefore the costs of losing them) are concentrated, whereas the costs for the rest of the population are diffused.
The result of this perniciously disproportionate influence is a burgeoning entitlement structure that is plagued by fraud.  Politicians, desiring both a leisurely job and a reliable senior voting bloc, choose not to exert the additional effort necessary to rein in the excesses of the system.  Meanwhile, truly good policy for the rest of society is ignored due to lack of mobilization.
While reform suggestions are numerous, at their core should be two principles: first, we must abandon a system in which those who claim future benefits have the ability to dismiss those who finance them.  And second, we must address the fact that those who manage taxpayer dollars have every incentive to favor short-term political gain over long-term sustainability.
Source: Mark Pennington, "Principal-Agent Theory and the Welfare State," Cato Institute, September/October 2011.
For text:

Friday, October 14, 2011

Radio preacher now says Oct. 21 is definitely Doomsday -- well, probably

Can we get an "Ehem" here?

Sent to you by KC5FM via Google Reader:

via News on 10/14/11

Family Radio preacher Harold Camping, whose prediction for the end of the world on May 21 misfired, now says that his new date of Oct. 21 looks ...

Things you can do from here:

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Scientists Create Life

Now that science has come so far, even so far as to create life,
three scientists decided to speak to God about it.

“We don’t need you anymore–we can create life on our own.” 

“How so? asked God. “Show me!”

The lead scientist said, “well, first you take some dirt…”

“Ahh,” said God. “Get your own dirt!”

Saturday, October 8, 2011

One Nation Under God

One Nation Under God
If you enjoyed Rediscover God in America,
we encourage you to host a One Nation Under God house party!
Our nation was founded on Biblical principles, but we have lost sight of this in today's culture. That is why we are calling all Christ-followers to join together on November 12, 2011 to host the One Nation Under God Event in homes and churches across America.
Please take a minute to watch the
One Nation Under God Event promotional video.
Watch Video
In this powerful 2-hour event, the truth about the Biblical foundation of our nation will be explored by spiritual, political, and educational leaders such as Dr. James Dobson, Bob McEwen, David Barton, and more!
David Barton, Historian James Dobson, Founder of My Family Talk Newt Gingrich, Former Speaker of the House Bob McEwen, Former Congressman

Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, President of NHCLC Lila Rose, President of Live Action John Stemberger, President of Florida Family Policy Coucil
One Nation Under God will lay a foundation of critical knowledge about our past that will help us direct our future. You'll learn how to interpret and assess current events in light of God's Word, as our founding fathers did, and how to respond Biblically and take action that aligns with His truth.*

We are asking Christ followers across the US to step out in faith, sign up to host, then simply invite your friends and family to join you on November 12, to learn more about our nation and how we as Christians are called to make our voices heard. We will supply you with invitations, timelines, and action checklists to ensure your house party is a success.
to learn more and sign up to host today!
Click here to learn more!
*To find learn more about how you can get involved in encouraging Christians to register and vote, please visit

Friday, October 7, 2011

Culture Threat #5: The Attack Against the Bible

Dr. David Jeremiah sent this email today.  If you have not gotten his MOST recent book, you can follow my lead and get your own when it comes in the mail.  If his video series on TV is any indication, I am sure the book will be an interesting read.

Nevertheless, his words follow:

I never thought I'd see the day when the Bible would be pushed to the edge in public education and out of the decision-making processes of our official institutions. But what grieves me most is that the Bible's status has been downgraded and its message diluted in the last place we should expect it: in the Christian Church itself.

Under the threat of execution, Iranian Pastor Yusuf Nadarkhani has refused to recant his Christian faith. Imprisoned since October 2009, this pastor has risked his life to take a stand for the truth of God's Word. As his unwavering conviction is proclaimed across the globe, I wonder:

How did the Bible lose its centrality in our lives?

Many Christians have grown afraid to utter the words "The Bible says . . ." or "God says . . ." or "Jesus says . . ." On one hand we have people in repressive nations laying down their lives to expand the Bible's influence, and on the other we have modern churches being willing to allow the Bible's influence to recede toward the vanishing point, even in their own lives.

As a Christian I am never free to move God's Word to the edge of my life, regardless of what those around me or in authority over me may do. While the church should be influencing the culture, we are allowing the culture to seduce and diminish the church.

If enough Christians restore the Bible and the One it tells us of to the center of our lives, our society and its culture may yet be transformed.

Take a stand for the Bible with me - today!

What you can do:

  • Recognize the dangerous consequences of treating the Bible as irrelevant in your life and your church.
  • Agree with Peter and the other apostles: "We ought to obey God rather than men" (Acts 5:29).
  • Read Chapter Six of I Never Thought I'd See the Day! and learn five ways Christians are contributing to the marginalization of the Word of God.
  • Pray for strength and peace for believers who are being persecuted around the globe.
  • Daily commit to keeping God's Word central in your life.
  • Pray for believers to take a stand for the Bible in their communities.
  • Be responsible as a steward of God to uphold His Word in every dimension of your life - in private, in public, at home, and at church.
  • Spend time with a skeptic and strengthen their confidence in the Bible.
  • Listen and watch I Never Thought I'd See the Day! on Turning Point Television and Radio.
I want to help you know what God's Word says about the cultural and spiritual changes impacting America and the Church today and also know how to live faithfully in the midst of them.

Be sure to join me this Sunday for Turning Point Television and watch my message, "I Never Thought I'd See the Day When Marriage Would Be Obsolete." You'll discover the extraordinary opportunity to help reverse the destructive trends and call America back to faith in God, back to the solid foundation of His Word.

God bless you,

David Jeremiah

PO Box 3838, San Diego, CA 92163
David Jeremiah's Website

Turning Point with Dr. David Jeremiah
Copyright 2011

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